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Carpentry, woodworking > vises, clamps. people who viewed this item also viewed. vintage no. 14 chief green swivel bench vise. c $42.81 details about vintage wilton 4 inch bench mount vise with swivel base made in usa. 1 viewed per hour. vintage wilton 4 inch bench mount vise with swivel base made in usa | add to watch list. seller information.. Woodworkers bench, woodworking bench, maple top at your custom height with bench dog holes, front and end vise, all wood with butcher block top, made in usa. javascript seems to be disabled in your browser.. American workbench manufactures workbenches for home, garage, schools,reloading and woodworking shops. a wide variety of wooden workbenches. sizes and customization at no charge. choose your workbench size, style, height. custom engraved. hierloom quality workbenches bringing back american quality workmanship..

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