Under "#wood nerfs-all non-vanilla wood needs to be processed with te sawmill" in the minecraftgettingstarted.zs there is "recipes.remove(<ore lankwood>);" this is also removing the extra utilities 16 color wood planks recipes. the only way to get around this would be to re-add back in after they have been removed.. The extra utilities mod adds several random purposes utility blocks and items to the game.. features [] item [] golden bag of holding: a double-chest size worth of portable inventory. golden lasso: captures passive mobs for convenient relocation. paint brush: used to paint colored bricks and colored oak wood planks. division sigil: used to do ancient rituals.. Extra utilities mod 1.12.2 adds an assortment of random items and blocks that can be very useful: low-lag pumps and quarries, power/fluid/item transport pipes, automation, storage (item and liquid), decoration, mob traps and farming, building, and much more..
Colored bricks / colored wood planks n.b. see items section for paintbrush recipe this adds 16 colored versions of regular bricks and planks to the game with the added benefit that you can change the color palette within a chunk. this is slightly complicated to explain so here’s an example. if you right click on a red colored brick with some cactus green, it will become a slightly greenish. Extra utilities adds a few usefull and entirely original blocks to minecraft. builder's wand: when you right-click on a block it checks your inventory to see if there are blocks of the same kind adjacent to it. then it will attempt to extend the blocks by another layer (the direction depending.... But i need red, black, and white wood planks. is there a way to get colored ones, or to change the color of the ones i have. is there a way to get colored ones, or to change the color of the ones i have..

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